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Join Us in Saving Arts, Culture, and Heritage

Send a letter of support to our Commissioners

Creating Access for our Community with Cultural Access

What could our community achieve in 7 years if we had the funding? With the passage of House Bill 1575, the possibilities are huge.


Cultural Access Programs can pave the way for our county to become part of Washington State’s thriving creative economy. Cultural Access Programs can stabilize current creative sectors, including technology, music and performing arts, visual arts, and many other professional occupations. Cultural Access also creates a funding program to keep these sectors going and growing for the next 7 years—including capital expenditures and acquisitions!

Cultural Access Tax Initiative

Sales and use tax increase


A one tenth of one percent sales and use tax increase would raise Clallam County's rate from 8.9% to 9%.  This equates to one dime for every hundred dollars spent. 

Average annual cost per household 


This equates to $2.08 per month, or $6.25 every three months. That's about the cost of four lattes per year.

Estimated annual revenue


Funds would go to support Clallam County institutions with missions in arts, culture, heritage and science with public benefits and would require a public education component.

What is the Cultural Access Tax?

The Cultural Access Tax is a proposed one tenth of one percent (0.1%)  sales tax increase designed to support and enrich our community's cultural landscape. This tax is estimated to generate close to $2 million annually; almost half of which will be paid by visitors and tourists. For the average local household, the cost would be approximately $25 per year—a small investment for a substantial return.

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What are the benefits?

The goal of the initiative is to provide access for Clallam County residents to local artistic, cultural, historical,  and scientific learning experiences.  The funds generated by the Cultural Access Program will be distributed to Clallam County non-profit organizations, enabling them to:

  • Expand educational programs and outreach initiatives.

  • Enhance the quality and variety of cultural events and exhibitions.

  • Support local artists, scientists, and historians.

  • Increase accessibility to cultural experiences for all residents.​​​

  • Build or enhance programs for schools.

​Why is it important?

Arts, culture, and heritage organizations provide education, entertainment, enrichment, inspiration, a sense of community, and commerce. 

  • These organizations fuel our economy. Arts and culture sectors are responsible for 10.8% of Washington States's GDP accounting for $72.8 Billion and 187,186 jobs. 

  • Arts and Culture account heavily for Clallam County's $1 Billion tourism industry. The 2024 Tourism Master Plan identified three out of four of the highest ranked destination strength variables for Clallam County include arts and culture.

  • Arts and Culture increase quality of life and decrease crime rates. Arts and Culture have been credited for improving grades, increasing graduation rates, creating greater civic participation, neighborhood cohesion, and pride.   

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Where does funding  come from for these organizations?

These organizations benefit our entire community, but are financed by a small handful of philanthropic neighbors. Most are supported by donors, sponsors, and grants as well as earned income.  Little to no funding comes from city, county, or state reserves outside of LTAC dollars targeted at attracting tourism.  The Cultural Access tax will be the first government financing of these community pillars directed towards accessibility for Clallam County residents. 

Why do they need help?

Since the pandemic institutions in this sector have had extreme difficulty bouncing back with many closing their doors for good. As the economy slows, donation dollars decrease and grant programs refocus their givings towards fighting housing and food insecurity. Clallam County intuitions have prided themselves on keeping admissions low and providing free opportunities to residents.  Without help, cutting back programing, raising prices, and potential closure are the choices left.  Once communities lose institutions like these, it is difficult for them to ever return. 

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How do these organizations truly benefit me?

Communities with arts, culture, heritage and science organizations experience a higher quality of life. Education scores and college aspirations improve.  Civic responsibility and participation as well as a sense of community increase.  And property values go up. These organizations build identity and fuel the spirit of the areas they are in.

Community Voices

“The failure of public policy to act to support the arts will potentially result in welfare losses for residents and make our communities less attractive”

Sheppard, Oehler, & Benjamin - Center for Creative Community Development


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